The School District of Plum City is comprised of two buildings, an elementary school that houses 4K-5th grade students, and a middle/high school that houses 6-12th grade students. We added 3K to our elementary programming in 2023. The school district has a rich tradition of academic excellence and community involvement and support. We have a talented and dedicated staff working to provide meaningful connections and engaging learning experiences for our students. Our shared vision was created collaboratively by students, staff, and community members. It states that we are committed to "creating a school environment where all students feel safe, valued, and empowered to achieve their full potential." As we seek to live this vision, we have created more and varied opportunities for students in the areas of academics, athletics, and activities.
With the support of our community, we are committed to preparing students for success by engaging them in learning opportunities that promote academic, personal, and emotional growth.
To create a school environment where all students feel safe, valued, and empowered to achieve their full potential.